Top 3 tips before attending a catholic funeral service


catholic funeral service

Life and death are the two bitterest truth that has to be accepted by everyone, including you. The news of passing away is always painful for you. The deceased person might be your friend, neighbour, or relative. 

If you live in a cosmopolitan city, you will come across many people from different religions. Even the customs vary from one religion to another.

If you are attending a Catholic funeral service, ensure you have a fair idea about their customs. Or else you will fall out of place and portray a bad impression of yourself. 


Before attending a Catholic Funeral Service, 3 things you should know about the ceremony.  

Since you are attending such a funeral service for the first time, you need to keep these points in mind. It will be an overwhelming experience for you despite the difficult time you will go through during the whole process. 

  • Get the details

If you are closely associated with the person, you can surely choose to call them directly to know the details about the catholic funeral service. 

Or else you can check out the online site of the funeral home chosen by the bereaved family to access the information on the funeral date, time, and location.

  • Dress code for the ceremony

Dressing appropriately is necessary on your part to show express your grief for the passing away of the person. Usually sober colour or even a black formal dress will be perfect for you while attending such a ceremony.

  • Various events after the burial

There are mainly three events of the catholic funeral service. The first is the wake, a gathering of family members to respect the deceased.

Second is the mass, where holy prayers will be recited by the survivors of the bereaved and close friends like you.

The third is the Rite of Committal, the location where the body is placed for resting. Generally, a get-together is held after this service to commemorate the deceased.

You can always opt for a funeral package if you are unsure of what to do on such occasions, especially if they do not belong to your religion.

Such professional people know all the services required for various communities. So you will get expert advice from them in this matter.

The package generally includes casket service, pallbearer service, assistance in cremation and ash collection, funeral hearse, transferring the deceased’s body to the burial ground, etc.

Perks of professional funeral service   

Whether the deceased is a Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, or Taoist, the funeral package Singapore can handle all types of services required for such occasions. They hire experts who have an idea about the customs followed for funerals in various religions.

This makes your work easy, as you can help the bereaved family by referring them to such experts.

These people can also assist you in Taoist Funerals Singaporeas they are always well equipped with the people and accessories required to complete the whole process in a simplified and dignified manner.

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