Important Facts To Know About Green Burials

Important Facts To Know About Green Burials

Funeral planning is not something that will be at the top of your priority list. But the growing popularity of green burial must make you wonder, what is it actually?

The whole objective of having a green burial for a catholic funeral is to make sure that the body has minimum impact on the Earth. The chief considerations for the process include:

  • Preservation of environment
  • Conservation of natural resources
  • Protection of the health of the associated industry workers. 

Choosing a green burial will be easier if you know a few vital facts about the process. 

The following facts that will help you to perceive the importance of green burial.

What is green burial?

In simple words, the green funeral will be a process of burial with the lowest possible environmental impact. 

The traditional burial processes include embalming the body for preservation before presenting it for open viewing. The embalming process involves draining out the body fluids and replacing the fluids with chemical solutions to slow down tissue decomposition.

  • Whether it’s a Christian funeral or a Buddhist funeral, embalming is not an option if you choose green burial.
  • Preservation is still possible in the chilled environment until public viewing.
  • Then the burial happens within a biodegradable shroud or coffin.
  • The workers will dig the grave at a shallow depth using a cement liner or the vault. 

The primary concern of green burial is to return the body to the earth through the natural decomposition process that will use minimum eco-friendly matters in the process. 

Protection of industry workers

Green burials are not only favorable for the ecological balance but also better for the workers of the Buddhist funeral serviceThese workers often get exposed to high levels of carcinogenic materials, formaldehyde, and embalming fluids. 

  • Green burial offers natural alternatives to toxic chemicals.
  • The use of essential oils makes it safer for funeral home workers. 
  • There is no threat to the embalmer. 

Therefore, the process is a significant contribution to the safety of the industry workers. 

A less expensive process

An interesting fact about green burials is the cost. Do you know that opting for the green burial will be a less costly option than the traditional burial? You can save as much as 50% of the money you have to spend on traditional burial. 

Expenses for the catholic funeral and the accompanying expenses for burial amount can be  up to a few thousand dollars. But if you choose green burial, you can make sure that the expenses are minimum.

Choosing the casket or shroud

Biodegradable caskets are the best options for green burials. These comprise pine wood, banana leaves, cardboard, wicker, and other such renewable as well as biodegradable components that can support the body of the deceased.

Shrouds with the fabrics like cotton, linen, muslin, or silk can be the ideal substance to wrap the body. The natural burial providers sell these shrouds that will add to the eco-friendly yet emotional burial. 

Make a futuristic decision

Every decision to green burial will be a contribution to a better Earth in the future. So decide today, how would you like to preserve the earth for your next generation. 


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